Sunday, May 16, 2010

Who Are You?

I am A Child of The Most High God!
I am dearly and cherishly
I am masterpiece made by The Ultimate Artist.
I have torn and tattered, ripped apart, beaten and battered
but The Ultimate Restorer of Life has rescued me for destruction.
He taken placed me above all earthly possessions and taken time
to mend my broken heart, to heal my hurts and to turn me into a NEW CREATION.
I am Forever in being changed by Him.

I am not what I do but who He has made me to become.

Who are you?
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Friday, May 14, 2010

Starting All Over

So... I took kind of break from this blog and focused on just not publishing what I wrote, mostly because I had alot that needed to be let out and I don't anyone should read it except me and God. I focused on myself and my relationship with God and trying to get my life in line with God. No I don't think I'm perfect but I know I'm getting there.

Anyways, since then one question that has been roaming around in my mind about this blog is what I want to do with it. I mean this a way of connecting with different people all over the globe. If I could say one thing to people all over the globe, what would I say?

- I would say don't judge people who are/have lesser than you. I know we all too quickly do that.

If you could say one thing to people all over the globe, what would you say?

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Do we want to live like an ADD child or Focused adult?

At the church I go to, I see on a pretty regular basis new people coming in receiving God's word, becoming baptised and then alot great things changing in their life. Where before they have had a hard time paying their bills, finding a job, putting food on the table, whatever the case maybe, God supplies their needs because they started to come church, they received His Word, they accepted him in their hearts. They are diligent for a good period of time, coming to church on Sundays and if they were coming to morning devotions, sticking to it, and making a point to come to Hope groups (small groups), but then as they are doing well with their jobs and God give them more and blesses them and take them out of difficult situations, I've seen many fall in the trap of the devil. Where all of us are easily swayed.

It seems as though when I watch them, I think "Oh I could never do that. I've made bad decisions before I won't make the same ones that take me away from God. I couldn't risk losing the one who loves me. " Well I think its easier to follow God when you have nothing, then when you have been given what you need or maybe I should what you think you need. We are soo easily entangled by the world and by what it has to offer us. When a new thing/a new change is thrown our way, its easy to get wrapped up in that and not remember what is constant in our life. I think when we focus on the things that are thrown at us and not the things that are constant, we lose a part of ourselves in the process. In trying to figuring out how to live with those things, we forget about what is most important, GOD.

God is our ever constant. He keeps us on the straight and narrow path.