Monday, July 24, 2006

Prayers / Roadie Day 1 & 2

We were packing the car up and there obviously not going to be enough room for my air mattress so I had to ring up a friend (Answered prayed 1) she didn't answer but I left a message, as much as I dislike leaving messages. Then I went on doing something new for our travels, a small quiet time, then we all went around and prayed a short lil' prayer. As I was about to finish, she called back and said she would let me borrow an air mattress and sheets. ISN'T GOD GREAT!!!!!!! Then we went on the road, it was pleasant nothing major happened(another answered prayer 2). Then we arrived in VA early (answered prayer 3). The next day was sort of long but not really. I got to see a cousin of mine and his girlfriend, who I had never met. These days I've been really into wanting to see my cousins and getting to know them and now this was a great way(sooo answered prayer 4). They saw me have a seizure which was weird but I liked that they didn't flee from the scene. I tend to think that if anyone sees me have one, they'll flee, but it was very, how do I put it, heartwarming to know that they didn't they that I was going insane or something (answered prayer 5).
God answers prayers, it just takes time or sometimes He says no, or yes. He's cool like that.
Kim S.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Prayer & Life Rocks BABY!!!!!

I absolutely LOVE prayer. It is speaking to God on a whole different level. My entire life, I've desired to understand God in a different way. Going to church never seeming to be enough, reading the Bible had been just weird for me, and fellowship was such a fake on my own. Then I just started praying. At the beginning, in little tiny ways, asking for small things. And God is totally SWEET!!!! It's kindof sareal(sp?) that I am here in Maryland and that I have been hanging out with my friends and just all that stuff. I still am trying to understand WHY. But it is so flippin' beautiful that God decided to let me be here just for a short while. Prayer is that time to be in one with God and have, as Bill Hornsby said once, silence & solitude. Sometimes you don't even have to be silent. You don't even have to be in solitude. I like how right now as I am sitting here typing this, I am completely surronded by others. But I don't really think that they know what I am writing or thinking about, or they won't until I publish this. Its cool like that. LOL

Prayer rocks but you won't be able to find out the results from it until you speak to God and communicate with Him without trying to get anything out of Him.

Kim S.

Friday, July 07, 2006

A Day On The Beach...

Oh to spend an entire day on God's wonderful creation and see what He made for us all to take in is just like, I guess (since I've never been there) Heaven On Earth. There were so many moments that I wanted to just back out and say "NO I'm not doing it, I'm not going to be welcomed with opened arms." But I could tell that God had other plans for this day.

I bet you're wondering what in the world is she talking about?! Well, my fine feathered fireworked friend, on the Fourth of July, I spent the ENTIRE day on the beach. And it was FANTABULOUS!!!! I do mean that in the most true form. These days God has truly seen and heard my heart's cry and desire for friends and people to be able to, I guess, just be somewhat, if not already, real with. And now I'm kind of at this point where I don't even know who I am anymore. Well God is amazing. He truly is. This weekend I was probably more scared than anybody because I knew NO ONE, but maybe one or two and that was by them greeting me. I was not sure of what God was going to do, but God took control. And did He ever?! I had a great time. I met so many people and just really got to understand a little bit more about myself. It was great. There were times where I had to sit and just kind of soak in the the atmosphere, well hey it is a beach and there is a sun right above us, isn't there?! But during those times I medidated on the whole idea that there I was sitting resting on what God had created for me just years ago, well maybe not just years ago but I think we get the idea. There was nothing fancy there except for some awesome Christian music playing in the background and a few tents here and there, but really it was just us and God's creation, simple as that. I loved it. There was a time in my life where I hated going to the beach. I hated the sand in toes, I hated the water in my hair, I hated the birds. I hated it all. And now I look back at this, and it just erases it from my memory. I am no nature freak by any means necesary but now I see THE CREATION in a COMPLETELY different light. It's beautiful and magnificient, yet we destroy it to make way for ourselves.
Well, I'm not done with the day at the beach quite yet. Over the day, I finally got over my fear of the water and waves, and went into the beach twice. Isn't God great and fear conquering?!! I also played some ball and just hung out . It was great. I think a truly awesome gift God gave us after being together in the sun and fellowshipping was just worshipping Him and thanking Him for the amazing lives He had blessed us with and and sacrificing His Son, Jesus, on that Cross so that we may be able to live this life for Him and bring others to Him. Just a couple acoustic guitars, bongos and our voices, singing out to Him, praising and thanking Him for what He has done and will do our lives there on the beach, His Creation. No Fancy Amps, No Flashy Lights, No PowerPoints, Nothing, Just Us & Him. That's really all He wants. It was great. It was beyond GREAT!!

Hebrews 12:28-29
Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken,
let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our "God is a consuming fire.”
Kim S.