Saturday, November 25, 2006

25th Day of Praise For God!!

In the book "Thirty-One Days of Praise" by Ruth Meyers, it is a glorious thanksgiving toward God of what He has given and blessed us with. I started reading it with my aunt while working just to start work or maybe in the middle of work just to keep things good between us, but then I would every once in a while read it just because I was having a rough day and needed to see what reminder I needed to have that God had given me in my life. Well recently it seemed like every day, from day 17th to now day 25, it has all been something I truely need and have been blessed with or maybe struggling with at that time or even moment.

You know that song "Praise You in This Storm" By Casting Crowns? Well I've been dealing with a big storm. A huge one as a matter of fact and in some cases it came to the point where I was even doubting God and His power. I was afraid to admit it. I had believed in God my whole life and for me, a life long Christian and believer in Christ, to doubt God and His power, that's hard to comprehend. I was fighting it for the longest time. I would be crying out to God saying save me from this I want to believe You. After I finally admitted it to a friend, that I was doubting God, they said, Hey we all doubt God sometime, He wants us to. That doesn't mean that you don't believe though.

Now back to the book, Day 24 & 25 kept thanking God for our many failures and mistakes and says that He works ALL things for the good. When I read that I immediately thought oh so He must include every bad thought, every hurtful word, everything that I had ever done without ever thinking to anyone that I loved, He used "those" for good? Then it really came to me when maybe a week ago I had put on a new song on my myspace "Hold Fast" by MercyMe, honestly I put it on because I love MercyMe and from what the lyrics sounded, it was exactly what I needed to hear. Well then not too long later, a friend who I hadn't talked in ages, messaged me and said that the same song had touched them and they even thought about getting the cd. Go figure. My struggles that I was dealing with and me not even thinking about what song I was going to put on my myspace can touch someone. God does work in some miraculous ways.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

"He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."" Matthew 17:20

Kim S.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Musician's Heart

I have always enjoyed writing, ever since I was young, but only for pure entertainment. Just to write stories of what I wished would happen in my life. Like my own little fairy tales, they would trail on forever. Sometimes I wouldn't even write them. I would be talking to God and it would be like a prayer telling Him, "It would be nice if this would happen this way....." Occasionally I catch myself doing that still. But now more and more I have get my writings from what I hear or see, whether worship songs or music that I hear on the radio. I remember the first poem that I ever wrote in high school was a kind of silly, now that I think about it, childlike poem called "I Want You Back" sort of my own rendition to the NSYNC song "I Want You Back" but I was my own. As I grew up though, I got some really serious writings that all have to do with something that I thought never really understood. They were all about Love and about Jesus' coming back. Both things I was really looking forward to, but hadn't really grasped the concept of. I was still young, could you blame me?
Well now, here I come to you with a whole different view. I really desiring to know what God's love is, what I means to be held in His arms, to really grasp the beauty that He made in me, and to be able to love others I know not nearly as much as He loves me or them but just to try and let them know that He cares. That's what I want.
I remember not to long ago I was in a weird place, trying to understand the whole concept of God's role as a Father and how He sends other Godly men in the to take over the father role if your father is absent. And something came to me, at first I didn't know what to do and then I just kept writing, so here it is:

You are beautiful! Softly woven in God's image. There is nothing in this world like you.
Just think not one person, not one! has gone through all the glorious things I have designed
specifically for you.
So anytime you feel down or depressed or not worthy of love, or not even worthy of someone else's touch, trust, hope, care, love, mercy, grace, intimacy, anything. Just remember
that God gave you that all first through His Son living a sin free life
but then taking your sins and bearing them on the cross to rise again and to give you life.

To Live It Abundantly!

Love ,
Your Daddy!!

Kim S.