I have some questions for you. Being a young woman wanting to do what you do, what is best step in that direction? I have no job presently due to health issues. I went to college for one year right out high school back in 2003, and am still dealing with student loan. I have been since 2003 I have volunteered in every capacity known to man pretty much. I journal like crazy. I have struggled with reading the Bible all my life, up until last year I hardly read through it even though I have gone to church my entire life. I had a bad view of the Bible from past experiences. But thankfully God has changed that. I know that there is something worth getting out of the Word and it's not just the paper. It's what God says.
My questions are to figure out why is it so hard to talk to you? There are so many of you out there that I admire. I see what you do, I read what you write, and I hear what you say. I know that alot of people may like all those things but do you ever miss the time when you could just talk to someone about whatever? When you could have a good long conversation with someone?
I think every pastor, speaker, writer, and person deals with this on some level. We are in a rush. We have family obligations to attend to. We have dinner to take care of. Friends to hang out with. Appointments to go to. Whatever it may be.
But the big question is: Do we stop and breath and take in? Talk to/listen to the people that need to be heard? Do we spend time with our family instead of in the office or out in the bar or where we know we shouldn't be? Most importantly, do we spend time with God and let Him speak to us?
Those are challenging questions for everyone, not just for those in the title. We all could learn something for that.
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