We were packing the car up and there obviously not going to be enough room for my air mattress so I had to ring up a friend (Answered prayed 1) she didn't answer but I left a message, as much as I dislike leaving messages. Then I went on doing something new for our travels, a small quiet time, then we all went around and prayed a short lil' prayer. As I was about to finish, she called back and said she would let me borrow an air mattress and sheets. ISN'T GOD GREAT!!!!!!! Then we went on the road, it was pleasant nothing major happened(another answered prayer 2). Then we arrived in VA early (answered prayer 3). The next day was sort of long but not really. I got to see a cousin of mine and his girlfriend, who I had never met. These days I've been really into wanting to see my cousins and getting to know them and now this was a great way(sooo answered prayer 4). They saw me have a seizure which was weird but I liked that they didn't flee from the scene. I tend to think that if anyone sees me have one, they'll flee, but it was very, how do I put it, heartwarming to know that they didn't they that I was going insane or something (answered prayer 5).
God answers prayers, it just takes time or sometimes He says no, or yes. He's cool like that.
Kim S.